Centre for Teachers Training Programs (CTTP)

Teachers training program is for the primary, secondary, and college teachers of underdeveloped and deprived regions.

Teacher training refers to policies, procedures, and processes aimed at empowering teachers with the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes, in an integrated way, necessary for the development of their profession.

CTTP programs are aim to deliver accredited training course to on-site and remote locations. Each course is developed and created by educational and industry experts to make sure that the participant gets best leaning experience and the outcome they need. The courses are focus awareness of teaching activities.

CTTP teaching strategies are methods and techniques that a teacher will use to support their pupils or students through the learning process.

The purpose and objective of CTTP are:

  • To improve quality of teaching
  • Enhance and develop professional development of teachers
  • Enhance, develop, improve and grow professional teaching skills
  • Create advanced learning environment and outcome
  • Improve teaching strategies need to support their students through learning process
  • Provide effective communication skills
  • Provide assistance to Implement advanced, modern, and innovative method and techniques of teaching that will come handy to enhance the process of teaching
      • Preparation of course modules
      • Preparation of assignments and home-woks
      • Design engaging classroom projects
  • Provide assistance for management strategies used for classroom instructions and delivery of courses.
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