Centre for Youth Development Programs (CYDP)

Youth development programs hold the philosophy that developing abilities like resilience, self-awareness, resourcefulness, and other attributes of The Compass Advantage framework, help young people navigate adolescence in healthy ways.

Youth development programs seek to improve the lives of children and adolescents by meeting their basic physical, developmental, and social needs and by helping them to build the competencies needed to become successful adults.

The main purpose is to develop better social skills, become leaders, gain greater knowledge of themselves, and foster lifelong relationships of the youth, girls and children of low-income families of under-developed and deprived regions.

The main goals are to promote the positive in young people, including competency-building skills, social skills, life skills, academic improvement, motivation, community involvement, etc.

CYDP is aimed to meet the needs of the youth:

  • Caring Relationships (Belonging)
  • Constructive learning Experiences (Mastery)
  • Leadership Opportunities (Independence)
  • Service to Communities (Generosity)

CYDP has the following objectives:

  • Meaningful engagement in own career development process
  • Demonstrated skill in work readiness
  • Awareness of options for future employment, careers, and/or professional development
  • Completion of educational requirements and/or involvement in training that culminates in a specific vocation or opportunity for career advancement
  • Established involvement in meaningful work that offers advancement, satisfaction, and self-sufficiency
  • Positive attitude about one’s ability and future in working in a particular industry or the opportunities to grow into another
  • Provide basic necessities

CYDP also facilities youth, girls and children of low-income, underdeveloped and deprived regions for their basic college and school essentials, for example:

  1. School Uniform
  2. School Shoes
  3. School Supplies including schoolbooks & stationery
  4. School Bag For a child starting
  5. Folder for Notes

CYDP also provide assistance and helps youth for special needs: Health issues:

  1. General Health issues
  2. Mental Health issues
  3. Physical Disabilities issues
  4. Provide Wheelchairs and other necessities

CYDP is also aim to assistant the youth, girls and child for their Sports Activities: In-door| Out-door.

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